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★☆重要通告:★☆ ★☆学校防疫指南:不该做的事 School Epidemic Prevention ★☆

★☆1.不随意丢弃用过的口罩。 2.禁止与朋友共用文具。 3.生病的你禁止到学校。 4.禁止群集。 5.自备食物与餐具,不分享、不共享。 6.不近距离交谈;保持1米的安全距离。 7.见面时,不握手、不拥抱。 8.不摸眼、鼻、口。 9.不随意离开自己的位子。 ★☆

吉隆坡坤成二校筹募提升学校硬体设备经费 缘起


吉隆坡坤成国民型华文小学二校自2008年初迁入新校舍上课至今,已进入了第八个年头,期间,本校无论在学术成绩和课外活动方面,都有着非常优异的表现。因此,本校在2013918日,被教育部认为高绩效学校(Sekolah BerprestasiTinggi)。今年初,本校又再次被教育部认证为卓越模范学校(Sekolah Kluster Kecemerlangan)。
·        凡捐献RM1,000.00以上者,将成为十大义演赞助人,赠名誉2
·        凡捐献RM3,000.00以上者,将成为十大义演剪彩人,赠名誉2
·        凡捐献RM10,000.00以上者,将成为十大义演名誉顾问,赠名誉4
·        凡捐献RM50,000.00以上者,将成为十大义演击鼓人,赠名誉6张,名字将刻在石碑上
·        凡捐献RM100,000.00以上者,将成为十大义演鸣锣人,赠名誉8张,名字将刻在石碑上
·        认购名誉,每张RM100.00,普通参观,每张RM50.00

吉隆坡坤成二校十大歌星义演筹委会 敬启

2015年 月 日



本人/ 商号/社团/机构同意以下列方式献捐吉隆坡坤成二校筹募提升学校硬体设备经费 (请在       内打勾)
        乐捐RM ______________________,作为十大义演赞助
          乐捐RM ______________________,作为十大义演剪彩人
        乐捐RM ______________________,作为十大义演名誉顾问
        乐捐RM ______________________,作为十大义演击鼓人
        乐捐RM ______________________,作为十大义演鸣锣人
        认购十大义演名誉______张,共RM ________________(每张   RM100.00
          认购十大义演普通参观______  张,共RM ___________(每张   RM50.00

请查收并发出正式收据。(支票/汇票请志 :Lembaga Pengurus SJKC Kuen Cheng 2
/ 商号/社团/机构名称:_______________________________________
(孩子姓名:__________________         班级:______________________
电话:_____________ 传真:_____________ 电邮:___________________
日期:______________________           盖章:______________________


The foundation to Fund Raising Campaign for Facilities Enhancement by SRJK (C) Kuen Cheng 2
It is the eighth year since SRJK (C) Kuen Cheng 2 moved into its new premises. Throughout the years, the school has outstanding performance both in academic and extracurricular activities. Hardwork has paid off as SRJK (C) Kuen Cheng 2 received the recognition of Sekolah Berprestasi Tinggi on 18th September 2013 by the Ministry of Education (MOE). Early this year, the school is again awarded as the Sekolah Kluster Kecemerlangan by the MOE.
In an effort to meet the requirements of both Sekolah Berprestasi Tinggi and Sekolah Kluster Kecemerlangan, the Board and PTA have jointly agreed to upgrade the facilities in school. With the objective to create a better learning environment for our students, the enhancements would include the school’s sports field, additional covered corridor next to the hall and new painting to the school building. Hence, the plan would cost RM1 million in total.
To achieve the goal of RM1 million donation, the Board and PTA are in collaboration with Nanyang Siang Pau to organize a Charity Performance on 24th July 2015 at the school’s air-conditioned assembly hall.
We are grateful for your support and below is our recognition and reciprocation of your contributions. 
-          For donations above RM1,000, contributors will receive the title of Sponsor as well as 2 complimentary merit tickets.
-          For donations above RM3,000, contributors will cut the ribbon at the Charity Performance. The title of Sponsor and 2 complimentary merit tickets are included in this award.
-          For donations above RM10,000, contributors will receive the title of Honorary Adviser and cut the ribbon at  the event and be awarded with 4 complimentary merit tickets.
-          For donations above RM50,000, contributors will sound the drums at the Charity Performance. The names of the said contributors receiving this award (inclusive of 6 complimentary merit tickets) will  be carved onto our monumental stone wall of Contributions.
-          For donations above RM100,000, contributors will launch the gambit at the Charity Performance. The names of the said contributors receiving this award (inclusive of 8 complimentary merit tickets) will  be carved onto our monumental stone wall of Contributions.
-          Merit ticket is sold at RM100 while normal ticket is sold at RM50.
The Committee calls for enthusiasts in Chinese education as well as the students’ parents and school alumni to support and contribute generously to this fund raising campaign. Thank you.

The Committee of SRJK (C) Kuen Cheng 2 Charity Performance

Reply Slip: Donations to the Fund Raising for Facilities Enhancement by SRJK (C) Kuen Cheng 2
To: The Committee of SRJK (C) Kuen Cheng 2 Charity Performance
I / Company / Association / Organization agree on the following method to donate to the Fund Raising for Facilities Enhancement by SRJK (C) Kuen Cheng 2 (please tick on the relevant box)

Donate RM _____________, to be the Sponsor

Donate RM _____________, to Cut the Ribbon(title of Sponsor)

Donate RM _____________, to be the Honorary Adviser, to cut the Ribbon

Donate RM _____________, to Sound the Drums

Donate RM _____________, to Launch the Gambit

To purchase ____ Merit tickets, total RM _________. (RM100 per ticket)

To purchase ____ tickets, total RM ____________. (RM50 per ticket)

Attached herewith the cheque of RM________________, cheque number: _____________________
Please acknowledge and issue the official receipt.
(Please attention the cheques to: Lembaga Pengurus SJKC Kuen Cheng 2)
Personal / Company / Association / Organization: _________________________________________
(Student’s name: _____________________________________________    Class: __________)
Tel: ____________________  Fax: ________________  Email: _______________________________

Name: ______________________________________   Signature: ____________________________

Date: _______________________________________   Chop: _______________________________

Requester’s Name: ________________________________